It’s a bit of a shame.It focuses on Linda Meilinda, a young student who is able to sense and see ghosts. There is a choppy feel to the whole game in fact, with some interactions and movement that are a bit jarring. You can also use melee weapons that are found scattered around, but they feel very slow and awkward – I’ve tried to avoid that route whenever I could. It all works but feels extremely clunky at times you’ll never be sure if you’ve made a hit or not. More powerful attacks can be used to deliver a big blow by holding down the shutter button, whilst the flash of the camera can stun your enemy as well, giving you time to get into a better position for another attack. Here you use the camera to take pictures of the ghosts, perfecting the frame to deal the most hurt. But it’s that main bit of the game, the bit where you tackle the spooks that haunt the world, which is the focus, as you try to banish them back to hell – or wherever they have come from. The open-world moments are fun and it’s always good to go out and explore the world with its characters and little side quests. It gets dark too and it’s here where you’ll want to utilise the light from your smartphone to light the areas around you.

She slightly jogs along, covering the map, examining objects and collecting quest items along the way expect to be found taking part in plenty of fetch quests as you go.

The gameplay consists of controlling Linda in the third person, moving around the space. However, most of DreadOut 2 takes a linear approach, leaving you to do battle with big bad hosts via your phone. After the prologue, you find yourself in a small city and it all becomes a bit of an open-world adventure – walk around, accepting tasks and taking on jobs for people. By taking pictures you can hurt them, banishing them forevermore. It’s the camera which is vital in DreadOut 2, and as you happen upon something that is not quite right, you can move into photo mode and see the spirits in their dimension. Your only tool is a smartphone camera that acts as your torch, instruction list, and also photo mode. People are hiding in lockers, a strange voice is taunting you. You’re in a school and something terrible is happening. This is a third-person adventure, as you play the part of 17-year-old Linda, the survivor from first time around, as you are dropped into a prologue. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t played the original though, because the developers have seen fit to include a handy story update from that game in the menus. DreadOut 2 is an Indonesian survival horror game a direct sequel to the first in the series.