The tunnels behave much more like the pipes in Super Mario Bros. Bugs does not dive in and out of tunnels.Crumbling rock platforms are marked with different palettes to identify their type (delayed or immediate).Powerup flags are not reset after taking damage or losing a life.There is no code in either the prototype or final game that reads its associated flag, so its intended functionality is unknown. Unknown ( 04): This was replaced with the heart in the final game (see below).

Hammer ( 02): This would kill more powerful enemies and bosses in one hit, if there were any to actually use it against.Speed up ( 01): This functions as a high jump in the final game.Powerup icons do not make a sound or disappear when collected, though they do still set their corresponding flags at $430 in RAM:.Carrot icons do not make a sound when collected.Code-wise, the basic framework for the system is in place, but it is hard-coded to jump to the same code path regardless of the life counter's value. There is no lives system, so it's not possible to get a Game Over.The code for the object is present and partially functional: touching it will cause Bugs to float off the screen in a balloon as in the final version, but the level still doesn't end, and the music loops indefinitely. There are no giant carrot objects present, meaning levels cannot be completed.This also means that the floating platforms have their ranges halved, making some sections impossible to cross.